8 Causes of Toothaches (And How to Treat Them)

8 Causes of Toothaches (And How to Treat Them)

You’re eating dinner when you feel a stinging pain in your mouth. Perhaps you’re brushing your teeth when you notice a throbbing pain in one of your teeth. Welcome to the dreadful world of toothache.

Toothaches can be extremely painful and interfere with our day-to-day activities. Understanding the root causes of toothaches is crucial for effective treatment and prevention. Our dentist in Grande Prairie will explore eight common reasons behind toothaches and provide insights on how to alleviate the pain.

Causes of Toothache

Numerous things can lead to toothaches. Here are a few examples of the most prevalent.

1. Dental Cavities

While tooth decay and cavities are frequently associated with toothaches, pain is not the first indication of a cavity. This is great news since it means that many toothaches can be avoided with regular dental cleanings and checkups in Grande Prairie!

Natural bacteria in your mouth turn sugar from the foods you eat into acid, which causes tooth decay. The acid erodes tooth enamel, eventually digging a hole in it. If detected early enough, it is possible to reverse a hollow by reinforcing the enamel. That is why it is critical to visit your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.

2. Gum Disease

Gingivitis and periodontitis are common gum diseases that can cause toothaches. Inflammation of the gums can lead to sensitivity and pain. Good oral hygiene practices and professional dental cleanings are essential for prevention and treatment. Adults frequently suffer from gum disease. It is usually caused by poor dental care, which permits plaque to accumulate around the gum line. Plaque and bacteria can enlarge, bleed, or redden your gums. In the early stages of these disorders, there is often minimal discomfort, but if left untreated, it can progress to pain or tooth loss.

3. Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that forms around the tooth’s root, usually due to a bacterial infection. Root canal treatment or tooth extraction may be necessary to address the abscess and relieve pain. Assume a cavity goes untreated. An abscessed or diseased tooth can result from decay. This occurs when an infection caused by tooth decay reaches the tooth’s root, resulting in swollen gums, bone loss, and intense pain. If you keep this abscess in your mouth for an extended period of time, the infection may spread to your bloodstream and other parts of your body.

4. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Grinding or clenching teeth, often during sleep, can lead to toothaches. The constant pressure can wear down tooth enamel and cause sensitivity. Mouthguards and stress management techniques are common treatments treated by emergency dentistry near you.

5. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

 Wisdom teeth that don’t fully emerge or grow in the wrong direction can cause intense pain. Extraction may be recommended to alleviate discomfort and prevent further dental issues.

6. Cracked or Fractured Teeth

Cracks or fractures in teeth can expose sensitive nerves, resulting in toothaches. Treatment options vary depending on the severity, ranging from dental bonding to crowns or root canal therapy

7. Sinus Infections

Sinusitis can cause referred pain to the upper teeth, mimicking a toothache. Treating the sinus infection often resolves the dental discomfort.

8. Temperature Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures can cause sharp, temporary pain. Desensitizing toothpaste and avoiding extreme temperatures can help manage this type of toothache.

Contact Gateway Dentistry Group to learn more.

Do not disregard dental pain. Treating a toothache, whether caused by decay, damage, or sensitivity, is crucial to maintaining the health of your mouth and body. Schedule a consultation with a dentist near you to discover more about tooth discomfort and your treatment options. We have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment to determine the source of your discomfort and provide treatment choices. We are your partner in pain-free dentistry! If you experience persistent or severe toothaches, it’s essential to consult with a dental professional for personalized care and guidance. Remember, early intervention can often prevent more significant dental problems down the road.