Guards & Appliances in Grande Prairie, AB
Guards & Appliances in Grande Prairie, AB
Guards & Appliances Near You
At Gateway Dentistry Group, we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive dental care. As part of this promise, we are pleased to offer several dental guards and appliances in Grande Prairie, AB, to protect your oral and overall well-being. With options from snoring and sleep apnea devices to sports mouth guards, we are confident that we can provide a device that meets your needs.
Sports Mouth Guards
Engaging in sports is excellent for mental and physical health! Sports help us burn off energy, enhance our mood, and build community with others. Unfortunately, sports are also often the cause of injuries to the face and mouth. Our team at Gateway Dentistry Group wants to cheer you on while keeping your teeth protected. That’s why we offer sports mouth guards to our patients.
Night Guards
Snoring & Sleep Apnea Devices
If you suffer from chronic snoring or sleep apnea, you likely find yourself feeling fatigued, irritated, and overall groggy during the day due to a lack of a proper night’s rest. At Gateway Dentistry Group, we understand the importance of getting enough sleep and its role in your overall health and well-being. We are proud to offer snoring & sleep apnea devices in Grande Prairie, AB, to ensure that our patients feel well-rested and ready to take on their day.
Pediatric Space Maintainers
While your child’s baby teeth are small, they carry big responsibilities. One of the most important functions of baby teeth is to hold the space that an adult tooth will eventually fill. Sometimes, children lose a primary tooth earlier than they should. When this happens, it is a good idea to use a space maintainer to occupy the space where the missing baby tooth should be to ensure your child develops a correctly aligned bite. Our team offers pediatric space maintainers in Grande Prairie, AB.